Romeo's Blue Skies

Total match wins
(See all)

 240th1Record Of Lodoss War
 240th1Rinne No Lagrange
 240th1Romeo's Blue Skies
 240th1Rurouni Kenshin
 240th1Saint Beast
(Icons indicate change from previous match day's results.)

Total matches participated in
(See all)

 464th2The Qwaser Of Stigmata
 464th2Read Or Die
 464th2Romeo's Blue Skies
 464th2Rune Soldier
 464th2Saint Beast
(Icons indicate change from previous match day's results.)

Total votes
(See all)

 729th10Project ARMS
 729th10Romeo's Blue Skies
 737th9Asobotto Senki Goku
(Icons indicate change from previous match day's results.)
R1 J5Bianca Martini
R1P J5Bianca Martini